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My Worst Experience -- Business English 2 Assignment [TUGAS BLOG 11-B]

Ever heard of Graviton? No? Have you ever felt such a terrible headache mixed with the feelings of nausea? That's what I felt two years ago. Here's a glimpse of how Gravitron looked like: Gravitron Ride So, i n this post I will share my worst experience in my life (actually there might be other worse experience that I've had, but this is the one that I remember well. Cheers). Two years ago when I'm in second-grade, me with my college classmates were went on a vacation. We went to Malang. Then one day we went to a playground recreation place called Batu Night Spectacular (BNS). It's not far from our homestay, probably only around 5 to 10 minutes to go there. So we arrived and went in to the BNS. There's a plenty of playground rides inside, and there is a thing called Gravitron. The first time I heard it I had no idea what it was like. When I look from the outside that thing really reminds me of an UFO. Gravitron from the outside, just like an

Business English 2 Assignment -- Week 13-16 [TUGAS BLOG 11A]

Causative Verbs The Teacher made Alex leave the room. Megan got Marvin typed by a mechanic. We got our house painted last week. Dylan got his transcripts sent   to the university. Selena is getting her hair to cut  tomorrow. Reasoning behind those answers: Causative verbs are used when one thing or person causes another thing or person to do something. It means when we don't do something ourselves, instead we need someone else to do something for us. There are two basic causative structures: 1. Active Causative form 2. Passive Causative Form 1.  Active Causative (Subject cause the object to do something) Subject + (have - had / make - made / let / help) + Object (person / people) + Verb 1 Subject + (ask / get - got / allow) + Object (person / people) + 1 to + Verb 2.  Causative Passive (Subject wanted object resolved by someone) Subject + (have - had / get - got) + Object (thing / object) + Verb 3

Profesi-profesi di dalam Bidang IT (DBA, Web Developer, Network Engineer)

Teknologi yang kian maju bukan merupakan hal yang baru. Dengan pesatnya teknologi informasi, semakin banyak pula peluang untuk bekerja di bidang IT. Perusahaan mulai mencari kandidat yang bisa membuat, mendesain, meneliti, dan mengembangkan perangkat keras dan lunak untuk mempermudah pekerjaan, meningkatkan efisiensi serta produktifitas. Pada postingan ini saya akan membeberkan 3 profesi pekerjaan pada bidang IT, yaitu DBA (Database Administrator), Web Developer dan Arsitek Jaringan Komputer (Network Engineer). Berikut adalah penjelasannya. 1. Database Administrator Seorang database administrator (DBA) adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab untuk desain, pelaksanaan, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan database organisasi. Mereka juga dikenal dengan Database Programmer, dan terkait erat dengan Database Analyst, Database Modeler, Programmer Analyst, dan Systems Manager. Peran mencakup pengembangan dan desain database, pemantauan dan meningkatkan kinerja dan kapasitas database, dan perenc

Write A Paragraph of Why You Are Deserved to Get an A? -- Business English 2 Assignment [TUGAS BLOG 10-B]

Task 2 Direction: write a paragraph of why you are deserved to get A for this subject! Short answer: yes .  Here is why, I've done my homework. I've done all the very tasks in this subject. I'm always finished all the tasks and assignments on the right time. I keep attending to this class eventhough its lazy-saturday. My attendance in the class was like 90% present (only skipped once because of an illness). I rarely crossed the traffic lights while I'm going to the campus with my motorbike. In fact, I forgot when was the last time I crossed the red lights. I washed my motorbike four days ago, but it so sad after that day the weather got rain and covered my bike in dirts. Sighs. I never do any drugs. I never stole anything on the marketplace. I never jumped out a lover's window . I loved cats. I wish I had one. I brushed my teeth every night before I get to sleep. I keep my bedsheets clean in the morning, sometimes. I wrote this paragraph while I'm fastin

Business English 2 Assignment -- Week 9-12 [TUGAS BLOG 10-A]

Task 1 (Adjective and Adverb) Direction: Choose the right word and give your reason! Rita plays the violin (good/well). Answer: well. That is an (intense/intensely) novel. Answer: intense. Your cold sounds (terrible/terribly). Answer: terrible. The table has a (smooth/smoothly) surface. Answer: smooth. We don't like to drink (bitter/bitterly) tea. Answer: bitter An adjective is a word or set of words that modifies a noun or pronoun. Examples: That is a cute puppy. She likes a high school senior. An adverb is a word or set of words that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Adverbs answer how, when, where, why, or to what extent—how often or how much. Examples: She speaks slowly (tells how) She speaks very slowly (the adverb very tells how slowly)

The Not-so-exquisite Holiday in Bandung -- Business English 2 Assignment [TUGAS BLOG 9-B]

Note: this post is referred to my college assignment, feel free to read anyway Near the end of 2017, me and my classmate friends went to an unexpected holiday. Why I called it unexpected? Because we didn't really planned it at all, but in the end we went through it. I mean, we plan the vacation spontaneously. So before this happened, we just came home from Malang, another holiday trip. It's a quite long trip that taking us a week. So you can imagine how broke tired we were back then after a long day trip. And then why we decided to take another trip? So, one day not long after the "Malang trip", we were playing Badminton together. In the middle of break we had a chit-chat, this is when it all started. One of my friend (his name is Aqira) said he really feel bored, and we could take another holiday. He suggests we go to Bandung, because his grandma lives in there so we could stay without spending any money to rest ( omg we are really broke af ). Also he wan

Business English 2 Assignment -- Week 5-8 [TUGAS BLOG 9-A]

Task 1 (Affirmative Agreement) Direction: supply the correct form of the verb for the simple statement in each of the following sentences. Elaborate your reason. Rose likes to fly, and her brother does  too. They will leave at noon, and I will too. Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock, and so is mine. I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so should my neighbour. Our English teacher loves to travel, and so do we. Reasoning behind those answers According to the formula, the affirmative agreement must be completed with this following order: Affirmative statement (compound verb) + and + [ S + auxiliary only + too ] Affirmative statement (compound verb) + and + [ so + auxiliary only + S ] Affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + [ S + do, does ,or did + too ] Affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + [ so + do, does, or did + S ] Task 2 (Negative Agreement) Direction: fill in the blanks with the correct form of e

Kasus Peretasan iCloud Terhadap Akun Selebritis pada Tahun 2014

Tindakan kriminal merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dipungkiri dalam kehidupan. Hampir setiap saat di segala penjuru dunia terjadi tindakan kriminal baik yang diketauhi maupun yang belum diketahui. Namun tidak hanya di dunia nyata, dalam dunia maya pun terdapat tindakan kriminal yang disebut CyberCrime. CyberCrime juga bermacam-macam jenisnya, contohnya ada penyebaran konten ilegal, pencurian data, hacking dan cracking, pembajakan konten, peretasan dan sebagainya. Pada akhir tahun 2014 dunia maya dihebohkan dengan aksi CyberCrime yang meliputkan sejumlah aktris Hollywood, yaitu peretasan koleksi foto pribadi yang didapat dari akun iCloud para selebritis. iCloud adalah layanan penyimpanan awan dari Apple. Meskipun diklaim memiliki keamanan yang sangat bagus, bukan berarti tidak bisa ditembus oleh para peretas. Korban peretasan tersebut diantaranya Jennifer Lawrence, Jenny McCarthy, Rihanna, Kate Upton, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kirsten Dunst, Ariana Grande, Victoria Just

Business English 2 Assignment -- Week 1-4 [TUGAS BLOG 8]

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 Task 1 Directions: The first type of question consists of incomplete sentences, with a blank line showing where information is to be filled in. Choose the word or phrase that most correctly completes the sentence. The second type of question consists of sentences with four underlined words or phrases. Choose the one word or phrase that is incorrect in standard written English. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer. 1. The rain forest, __________ large trees that provide shade to the vegetation below, is home to unique flora and fauna. A. has B. with its C. and D. although has Answer: B. Because there is a coma between the "forest" and "home" sentence, so its only a complementer. The main sentence is "the rain forest is home..". 2. Despite the polar bear’s tremendous weight and height, __________ of sprinting at tremendous speed. A. it is capable B. is capable C