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My Worst Experience -- Business English 2 Assignment [TUGAS BLOG 11-B]

Ever heard of Graviton? No? Have you ever felt such a terrible headache mixed with the feelings of nausea? That's what I felt two years ago. Here's a glimpse of how Gravitron looked like:

Gravitron Ride

So, in this post I will share my worst experience in my life (actually there might be other worse experience that I've had, but this is the one that I remember well. Cheers).

Two years ago when I'm in second-grade, me with my college classmates were went on a vacation. We went to Malang. Then one day we went to a playground recreation place called Batu Night Spectacular (BNS). It's not far from our homestay, probably only around 5 to 10 minutes to go there.
So we arrived and went in to the BNS. There's a plenty of playground rides inside, and there is a thing called Gravitron. The first time I heard it I had no idea what it was like. When I look from the outside that thing really reminds me of an UFO.

Gravitron from the outside, just like an UFO

My friend told me that thing could spin super fast so everything inside it can flying around. It got my attention and my curiosity. For a moment I think and asked my friend, "how is that possible?" he replied, "when something that big spinning around so fast, it will create momentum in it like being thrown blabla.. (i forgot the details of the explanation). So when you are inside it feels like you were fighting the gravity.". Oh I get it now, and that's why it called "Gravitron". Then we go for it..
On the inside of Gravitron, it looks a slightly weird. There's a man in the middle who controls the playground. And everything around it looked like a flat bed but placed sideways.

Inside the Gravitron

We should stand still near the wall and prepare for the ride. Then the playground started spinning around. It starts slowly in the first minute, but then not long after that a significant change of speed finally appeared. Those wall spins so fast!! My feet no longer touch the ground, I don't even need to hold my legs on the dedicated footstep because I feel so light. Exactly like a zero G (0 gravity)!
I can barely move my limbs, but when I try to move my head to the front this is when the bad experience starting to happen. My neck feels hurt because I forced it to move. Suddenly I had a little headache. I really want it to stop, but the walls keep spinning. Oh God. I looked at my friends they seems have the same experience, but I'm not sure if they feel dizzy too. In case you don't know how the situation looked like this is how it happened:

Now you know

After a few minutes then it finally stopped. "At last", I thought. Unfortunately the headache stayed. Well I have to keep going because I'm on a vacation. Otherwise it's not gonna be worth the money if I'm leaving the place right now. Can't go back to here everyday anyway, once a lifetime.
OK, so I keep going. Then I tried another playground rides. This one I forgot the name, this thing looked like a big swing but shaped like a ship, a big ship. I guess you already seen this before, it's kinda common. Actually I don't wanna try this ride but my friends forces me to join so all of us can play this ride. Alright then, I will try it eventhough I still had a wonderful headache..
Then this thing goes swinging, to the front and back. And this is the second time I got the bad experience happened. My headache increases. I can't do anything except screaming and hoping this thing to stop. Holly molly..

Finally my suffering ends, but not really. After the playground ended and we went down, I felt like want to vomit combined with the headache. Thanks Gravitron and the big ship, now I don't feel so good like I wanted to turn into ashes. Okay, seems like I had enough of those playgrounds. I just wanna sit and walking around for a little bit to eliminate my sickness. After that we stayed the night for a little walks and went back to the homestay.

The end.


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