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The Not-so-exquisite Holiday in Bandung -- Business English 2 Assignment [TUGAS BLOG 9-B]

Note: this post is referred to my college assignment, feel free to read anyway

Near the end of 2017, me and my classmate friends went to an unexpected holiday. Why I called it unexpected? Because we didn't really planned it at all, but in the end we went through it. I mean, we plan the vacation spontaneously. So before this happened, we just came home from Malang, another holiday trip. It's a quite long trip that taking us a week. So you can imagine how broke tired we were back then after a long day trip.

And then why we decided to take another trip? So, one day not long after the "Malang trip", we were playing Badminton together. In the middle of break we had a chit-chat, this is when it all started. One of my friend (his name is Aqira) said he really feel bored, and we could take another holiday. He suggests we go to Bandung, because his grandma lives in there so we could stay without spending any money to rest (omg we are really broke af). Also he wants to suggest me to drive us there by my father's own car. Well well.. "let me think about it first," I said. But I guess he may be right, considering we still have a lot of time till the holiday ends. Also I felt bored too. Two days later after the planning trip, we're all agree.

There are 7 of us who joined in this trip. We took the vacation for three days only, because we are really on a tight budget (just like I said before). Well you don't really need any money to getting fun, right? Just spend time with your friends and you'll have anything (trying to be wise).

Long story short, we arrived in my friend's grandma's house that located in Setiabudi, Bandung. Guess what, this is by far the longest I drive a car on my own. I take it as a good experience for myself. So the #Day1 is all about we arrived, settle down, and get to rest. And guess again, we sleep all day long. The reason behind it either we; 1. Tired, 2. Enjoy the place, 3. we broke af.

Skip to day 2. On this day we finally plan to go out. At the first we don't know exactly where we will go, but one of my friend suggest to go Tangkuban Parahu in upper Lembang. It's been a long day since my last visits to Tangkuban Parahu back in the elementary school with my family, thus I agree to go there and so does the rest of my friends. And then we arrived.. 

One thing I noticed when the first time I arrived, ah.. the smell. Yeah, the sulfur stays the same since my last visit. And the scenery is still beautiful as ever, even I already ever been in here I'm still impressed. Here's a pic that I took from the view on there:

yeah it's pretty cold up here

And this is us taking a self-capture together on the Tangkuban Parahu:

i won't describe any details of whom are whom, guess you wouldn't care anyway

After several hours we came down from the hills and back to my friend's grandma's house. We decided to take a break on a place called "Tahu Susu Lembang". I got one package  souvenir for my parents when I come home. It's a good trip, or at least, decent. Although it's not really budget-friendly since the ticket on Tangkuban Parahu were kinda pricey for us.

#Day3, we all prepared to go home. But before that, we got a free time in the morning. Guess what we do? My friends and I going to try drive my Dad's car, as a 'practice lesson', ohmy if my Dad found out I'm so fuc*** up. Well I'm okay with it, as long as the car is still in one piece. Moreover I wanna practice several things that I haven't try yet. 

So, we go for practice near my friend's grandma's house.. more precisely inside the parking area of UPI, because my friend said its fine, also his grandma is a college teacher in here. Then we spend the morning together on there.

Not so long after that we came back, preparing our things and get everything to be ready. Before we leave, we bought a present to my friend's grandma for her kindness and hospitality. We would never forget it. Then we come home after that. End.

Well, not-so-exquisite holiday isn't it? But hey, we got fun by spending time together and don't really need extra costs for anything. It depends on how you think. And don't you underestimate the power of spontaneously.


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