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Business English 2 Assignment -- Week 1-4 [TUGAS BLOG 8]

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Task 1

Directions: The first type of question consists of incomplete sentences, with a blank line showing where information is to be filled in. Choose the word or phrase that most correctly completes the sentence. The second type of question consists of sentences with four underlined words or phrases. Choose the one word or phrase that is incorrect in standard written English. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.

1. The rain forest, __________ large trees that provide shade to the vegetation below, is home to unique flora and fauna.
A. has
B. with its
C. and
D. although has

Answer: B. Because there is a coma between the "forest" and "home" sentence, so its only a complementer. The main sentence is "the rain forest is home..".

2. Despite the polar bear’s tremendous weight and height, __________ of sprinting at tremendous speed.
A. it is capable
B. is capable
C. it is able
D. ability

Answer: A. It is capable. Because the word of "able" and "ability" must be followed by the word "to", not "of".

3. Having multiple sclerosis has diminished Mr. Wilson’s physical condition, but his ability to maintain a positive attitude and continue working an inspiration.

Answer: The last word, "Working an inspiration". It should be "is an ispiration".

4. The huge increase in popularity of specialty coffees contribution to the success of Starbucks, Barney’s and other coffee purveyors.

Answer: The word "Contribution", it needs verb. It should be "has contributed".

5. Patients on Interferon are advised __________, so that they can sleep through the night without noticing the flu-like symptoms that are characteristic of the drug.
A. just before going to sleep to inject themselves
B. to inject themselves just before going to sleep
C. to inject just before going to sleep themselves
D. injecting themselves just before going to sleep

Answer: B. Advise is the word that must be followed by infinitive, not gerund.

6. After it had conclude work on the budget, the legislature adjourned until the next session.

Answer: The word "Conclude", its should be Verb 3 (Concluded).

7. Even when awarded a scholarship, a student generally must still paying for books, living expenses, and other costs.

Answer: The word "Paying", it should be "must still pay".

8. The U.S. government, along with a number of states, is fight a protracted legal battle with tobacco companies in order to obtain relief for the huge medical costs caused by smoking.

Answer: The word "Fight", because "is" + v-gerund (fighting).

9. The leaders of the two countries __________ an agreement to avoid future conflicts.
A. have recently reach
B. recently reach
C. have reached recently
D. have recently reached

Answer: D. The modifier of time can appear between the auxiliary and main verb.

10. The teachers are expecting to call tomorrow a meeting in order to review the disciplinary problems.

Answer: The words "Tomorrow a meeting".

Task 2

Directions: The first type of question consists of incomplete sentences, with a blank line showing where information is to be filled in. Choose the word or phrase that most correctly completes the sentence. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.

1. The oncologist studied the results of the biopsy and decided __________ additional tests.
A. should order
B. to order
C. he should ordering
D. ordering

Answer: B. the word "Decided" needs the word "to" infinitif after.

2. Knowing how to repair and install computer networks __________ Melissa a great advantage in her job, because she is the only person in the company with that knowledge.
A. have given B. given C. giving D. has given

Answer: D. "Knowing" is gerund so the correct verb are "has given".

Task 3

Directions: Correct the sentence. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.

3. The disagreement is between we.
Correction: "The disagreement is between us". Because it's a direct sentence.

4. She is known for herself contributions to art.
Correction: "She is known for her contribution to art". Because its Possesive adjective sentence.

5. After a difficult ordeal, her and Robert felt great relief.
Correction: "After a difficult ordeal, she and Robert felt great relief". The subject pronoun "her" must be changed to "she" due the different point of view.


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